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Does NYCD Accept Internship Applications from ID Students?

January 01. 2025 Author: Naiyang Creative Design

Yes, We Welcome Student Interns! At NYCD, we offer internship opportunities based on our business needs each year. 

We are particularly interested in students with skills in parametric design and design-for-manufacture (DFM). If you have a passion for real practice in product development and meet these criteria, we encourage you to apply. 

To be considered, please send your:

  1. Design CV

  2. Portfolio

  3. Cover Letter (optional)


Our design and HR team carefully reviews all applications and ensures a fair selection process. We believe in fostering a diverse and inclusive work environment and welcome applications from all backgrounds. If you're eager to gain hands-on experience in product development, we'd love to hear from you.

Ready to start your project today?

Contact us with a brief description of what's on your mind. We'l schedule a call to discuss things in detail and create a tailored project plan that suits your needs.
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