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I’m Not in China—Is Distance a Problem for Designing Product Together?

January 23. 2025 Author: Naiyang Creative Design

Not at all! We design products seamlessly with clients worldwide, and distance has never been an issue.

In today's AI-driven & digital communication era, we can connect face-to-face over Zoom, no matter where you are.

Of course, if you'd like to meet in person, we'd love to see you! You're always welcome to visit us in Bao'An District, Shenzhen, China.

As a Pproduct development consultancy leading in the field of industrial design, we're no stranger to dealing with a mix of time zones. Our working hours aren't rigidly set to China workhours—we're more than willing to accommodate and sync with your schedule, whatever part of the world you might be in, whether through email, phone calls, or video conferences.

Ready to start your project today?

Contact us with a brief description of what's on your mind. We'l schedule a call to discuss things in detail and create a tailored project plan that suits your needs.
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